Here I show to you some parts of pictures with people, who are living in caves . And also you will see two other parts of two other pictures. Then you should look into the Blog of Stille Linde (here right side), and maybe after some good studies you will find, that she is somehow my wonderful sister in art and feelings.
Frau mit Ziege schreibt Brief in Höhle
Das Wunder in der Höhle
Höhlenmadonna mit Kind
Die heilige Familie in der Höhle
Die hl.Familie in der Höhle (Detail)
Frau trägt Holz in Kiepe
Großes Wandbild "Emmausjünger"
Detail Wandbild "Der zu Besuch kommt"
Franziskanische Tierfütterung
I see, a woman carrying wood and a visitor with a bird on his shoulder, the presence of holy spirit :-) Your paintings of people and the holy family in caves are wonderful. A cave is a womb, a cave is our life and body on earth, where the Spirit is born and reborn in every one over and over again until everything on earth is sanctified. I love this golden cave, where a woman sits painting. Her artwork where the Spirit is reborn again fills human earthly life with the golden light. Thank you, Dori, brilliant and loving.
AntwortenLöschenThank you very much, dear Stille Linde. I love your work so very much!