Mit diesem Sonntag treten wir in den inneren Kreis der Fastenzeit ein.
The colors of the flowers are yellow, rose and
white, inspired by the last three posts of a wonderful blog of Sheeps and Peeps farm in West Virginia. Thank you!
"Herr,stärke mich, dein Leiden zu bedenken."(Christian Fürchtegott Gellert, 1757)
Altar, seitlich
Blutstropfen, in Blumen verwandelt
Gesamtansicht (nur je 1 Kerze links und rechts)
Your posts about Fastenzeit are so precious.
AntwortenLöschenThis morning I had a mysterious thought : probably the spirit of a chicken can fly faster than a real chicken ... flying home to join her loved ones and bring them an Easter egg :)
It seems you are using more and more containers for the flowers. How abundant the altar is! When I see flowers on my walks I send them to all altars everywhere. Hello my friends Dori and Silent Linde :)
AntwortenLöschenWhat a tears-calling vision, that my Elze will send me her Easter-egg! Thank you for this transcendental idea, Stille Linde, and thank you for feeling for these fast-messages.
AntwortenLöschenRamona, all the flowers you send me are your sacrifices and prayers. I believe, they all arrive their aim!
Ramona and Stille Linde, I am deeply stirred by your soul-presents Elze-egg and flowers.