Sonntag, 10. April 2011

Sonntag Judika

Judika bedeuted: "Gott, schaffe mir Recht" (Ps. 43,1)

Mit diesem Sonntag treten wir in den inneren Kreis der Fastenzeit ein.

The colors of the flowers are yellow, rose and
white, inspired by the last three posts of a wonderful blog of Sheeps and Peeps farm in West Virginia. Thank you!

"Herr,stärke mich, dein Leiden zu bedenken."(Christian Fürchtegott Gellert, 1757)

Altar, seitlich
Blutstropfen, in Blumen verwandelt
Gesamtansicht (nur je 1 Kerze links und rechts)

3 Kommentare:

  1. Your posts about Fastenzeit are so precious.

    This morning I had a mysterious thought : probably the spirit of a chicken can fly faster than a real chicken ... flying home to join her loved ones and bring them an Easter egg :)

  2. It seems you are using more and more containers for the flowers. How abundant the altar is! When I see flowers on my walks I send them to all altars everywhere. Hello my friends Dori and Silent Linde :)

  3. What a tears-calling vision, that my Elze will send me her Easter-egg! Thank you for this transcendental idea, Stille Linde, and thank you for feeling for these fast-messages.

    Ramona, all the flowers you send me are your sacrifices and prayers. I believe, they all arrive their aim!

    Ramona and Stille Linde, I am deeply stirred by your soul-presents Elze-egg and flowers.


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