Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2011

Helden der Liebe ---- Heroes of love

Das kann nur SEINE Liebe sein, die aus schwachen, zweifelnden Liebenden Helden der Liebe macht. Die sie fortfahren läßt zu lieben trotz Schmach und Unvollkommenheiten, ihnen Tugenden verleihend, so daß sie bewahrt werden, um IHM dereinst schön und würdig entgegen zu treten.

This can solely be HIS love, which changes weak and doubting lovers into heroes of love. Which makes them continue loving instead of dishonor and imperfectness, bestowing them virtues - so they will be saved to face HIM once beauteous and dignified.

Am Tisch
Ps. 103
Ps. 104
in Liebe
Vers aus dem Spiritual Canticle
("Sieh viel mehr hin auf das, was die begleitet, die da durch wundersame Inselreiche schreitet")
Ps. 103
Ps. 104
"Künstler haben die Aufgabe Zugänge zu schaffen"

4 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful drawing !!! Yes, this can solely be His Love, this drawing. And the cat has angels' wings :-) You have prints from my website on your table, you :)))) I love it, thank you Dori, I will keep that photograph with me :-)

  2. I am so happy to read this, Stille Linde! You see the wings of the cat? You see the print? Thanks for each word!

  3. You have really poured much of yourself into this drawing. I love the banners with words floating around in the sky.Wonderful work Dori!!

  4. O, Ramona, you said "BANNERS"!! Exactly this was the label I thought to give to these ....."BANNERS". Thank you!


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