Montag, 2. Dezember 2013

Scho Seppe fliegend unterwegs

Der Boden ist gefrohren, das Gras enthält wenig Nährwert - diese Gelegenheit darf Scho Seppe zum Weidegalopp nützen. Die Schafe schauen aus sicherer Distanz von außerhalb vom Weidezaun zu.
Später trifft man sich zur Nacht im Stall wieder.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Hallo, Fans und Freunde:

    Zur Zeit arbeite ich improvisierend an einem andern PC, da meiner kaputt ist. Bin nur über Blog erreichbar. Habe zu den Fotos der Advents-Impulse keinen Zugriff. Aber meine Techniker sind eifrigst am Werk, die Sache zu richten, damit ich bald die Impulse übermitteln kann.

  2. Dori, I hope your computer troubles are corrected soon and inexpensively. The photos of Scholars Seppe are him in motion, as well the sheep watching. My animals are still grazing although, as you say, nutritionally the grass isn't good. My animals also have hay set out but still prefer grazing. It's their choice.

    1. Hallo, Thistle, my PC is okay! They worked the whole day today :)

      I have to take care for Scho Seppe very much, because he has this dangerous illness with the hooves, you call here "Hufrehe". Ponies often have this illness. We are happy, that now we found a special old july-hay, which healed him very good. Last winter he nearly couldn't stand, and not went at all for several days. O my God! But we are so happy: he is flying again!


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