Montag, 9. Juni 2014


Ganz nebenbei ist er heute aus einem Abfallstück entstanden. Höhe: ca 30cm. Ölfarben auf bemaltes Blech.

Und ich habe aus dem Universum folgenden Satz eingefangen:

Tu das, was der Sammlung dient, nicht, was der Zerstreuung dient.

8 Kommentare:

  1. Love your shepherd! Love the details in your paintings!

  2. such a dear piece Dori.
    i love the herding staff that you have included.

  3. Ha Dorie, je hebt de schaaps herder mooi vast gelegd.
    Prachtig schilderen op blik.Je hebt een mooie eigen stijl!
    Een zomers groetje Christiene.

    Ha Dorie, you have the beautiful shepherd sheep's stipulated.
    Beautiful painting on blik.Je have a nice style!
    A summer greet you Christiene.

    1. Thank you, Christiene! Summer greet to you, too!

  4. "captured from the universe " I like this very much.
    Beautiful pose of the Shepherd with thoughtful eyes to catch what is needed from the universe.

    1. Thank you, Ramona!

      The pose of the sheperd was because of this rest-piece of the metal: The shepherd was formed like sometimes a raw stone gives the form for the idea of a sculpture.

      Thoughtful eyes: You know, that a shepherd has in his heart a lot of fate...


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