Montag, 11. Juli 2011

Sententia alchymica de Dorothea de Silva Bavariae

Folianten durchsuchen. Da ist sie, die "Alchemistische Liturgie", gedichtet im Dezember 1994

Sie existiert in 4 Sprachen.

Sententia alchymica de Dorothea de Silva Bavariae:

Saluber munde tabularum
cor meum perfunde,
venas perflue, pulsum illustra.
Me pennis tuis per terram silvasque duce.
Vita me tibi gloria offeratur.
Tuam linquam sonantem per me dic,
me instrumento tuo domo mea unoquoque gradu officina tua utere,
deo concedente

Litury Alchemic by Dorothea from Bavarian Forest( übersetzt 1994 by Vesna Poprzan, Zagreb)

Alkemijska Liturgija od Doroteje od Bavarskih Suma ( V.P. Zagreb, 1994)

"Theorie und Praxis", Zeichnung 1994

Lateinische Übersetzung von Walter Liebl


Hallo, Stille Linde, please can you translate it into Dutch?

Alchemistische liturgie door Dorothea van het Beierse Woud

O heilzame beeldenwereld
doorstroom mijn hart,
vloei doorheen mijn aderen,
en verlicht mijn polsslag.
Draag mij op uw vleugels
over de aarde en de wouden.
Moge mijn leven er zijn om u te loven.
Spreek uw klankrijke taal doorheen mij,
en maak mij tot uw werktuig
en mijn huis en elke schrede tot uw werkplaats.
Deo Concedente.

7 Kommentare:

  1. This is an incredibly beautiful and powerful text. Yes, I will translate !!! Please remind me if I forget this. Not tonight, I need to go to bed now, again it is almost 2 in the morning. Like last night I was bathing your drawing for ramona's mystic in midsummer color spirits :)))

  2. Thank you, Stille Linde! I was searching for this text for a long time, somewhere in my hidden "alchemistic" diaries, not at last in the purpose to show it to my sensitive art-sisters, who KNOW, what it means to LIVE with pictures. Yes, for me 2 o'clock is also too late. One o'clock is better. Earlier is not possible... :)

  3. Fine new Google-picture, it fits to you, Stille Linde!

  4. Alchemistische liturgie door Dorothea van het Beierse Woud

    O heilzame beeldenwereld
    doorstroom mijn hart,
    vloei doorheen mijn aderen,
    en verlicht mijn polsslag.
    Draag mij op uw vleugels
    over de aarde en de wouden.
    Moge mijn leven er zijn om u te loven.
    Spreek uw klankrijke taal doorheen mij,
    en maak mij tot uw werktuig
    en mijn huis en elke schrede tot uw werkplaats.
    Deo Concedente.

    So precious, Dori
    Most precious words and inspirations.

    I translated this first from the English,
    but then also from your original German text because it is possible to stay with the Dutch words very close to the German.
    You will recognize it :))))

    Love to you
    Stille Linde

  5. Thank you so much for this wonderful sounds. I am so pleased, that you understand this "alchemistic sentence", because it was like a message for me then, and I wrote it down, and I felt, that it was very important for my life and art. Only the "saluber" munde of "tabularum" can and shall flow through my soul and heal me and bring some light and Stille night into the world.

  6. These "messages" are felt strongly and it's important to write them down.This will be a gift to others when they read it. Thank you for sharing your beautiful gifts. Truly wonderful!

  7. Ramona, is there something to make better in the English translation? Vesna from Croatia translated it into Croatian and English languages long time ago. Sorry, I lost Vesna. At last she lived in USA...Me and my husband did not find her since long...


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