Samstag, 2. Juli 2011

Tobi und Manuel Bildbetrachtung

Tobi: "O, what is that? Is this a drawing of your mother?"
Manuel: "Yes, but not only from her alone. It is a work of three artists from three different countries. They work together on one drawing."
Tobi: "This is very interesting."
Manuel: "But one artist still is missing, she will finish the drawing. - There you see a tension between foreground and background."
Tobi: "This is a marvellous team-work, lets see how it goes on..."

This dialog happened today. The new drawing of Ramona combined with Dori-Art and waiting for Stille Lindes completion is in the focus of young people coming into Stuffer-House this weekend. More about this interesting project next days.

2 Kommentare:

  1. How nice it is for you two boys to go to the Stuffer house and help Dori and Xavier take care of everything. How kind and considerate of you:)

  2. Thank you, Ramona! This is really a present!
    Maybe you confound Xaver and my husband Karl-Heinz. You find Karl-Heinz in my homepage:
    Xaver is the farmer, where my sheep and pony live. He is very silly but lovely. He had two dangerous brain bleedings and does not work as a farmer since about 8 years. I found him searching for a better place for my sheep.
    You can imagine, that I always smiled, when I read "Dr. Xaver", because I thought you make a funny joke :)) "Dr.Xaver" fits perfect, because he is very clever.


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