Samstag, 2. Juli 2011
Tobi und Manuel Bildbetrachtung
Tobi: "O, what is that? Is this a drawing of your mother?"
Manuel: "Yes, but not only from her alone. It is a work of three artists from three different countries. They work together on one drawing."
Tobi: "This is very interesting."
Manuel: "But one artist still is missing, she will finish the drawing. - There you see a tension between foreground and background."
Tobi: "This is a marvellous team-work, lets see how it goes on..."
This dialog happened today. The new drawing of Ramona combined with Dori-Art and waiting for Stille Lindes completion is in the focus of young people coming into Stuffer-House this weekend. More about this interesting project next days.
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Blechgeschichten am Xaverhof- eine "eherne Schutzmauer"
Blechgeschichten am Xaverhof - Xaver erkennt hier sein Leben Eine Serie von Blechfiguren ziert sich seit vielen Jahren die Nordseite des...
How nice it is for you two boys to go to the Stuffer house and help Dori and Xavier take care of everything. How kind and considerate of you:)
AntwortenLöschenThank you, Ramona! This is really a present!
AntwortenLöschenMaybe you confound Xaver and my husband Karl-Heinz. You find Karl-Heinz in my homepage:
Xaver is the farmer, where my sheep and pony live. He is very silly but lovely. He had two dangerous brain bleedings and does not work as a farmer since about 8 years. I found him searching for a better place for my sheep.
You can imagine, that I always smiled, when I read "Dr. Xaver", because I thought you make a funny joke :)) "Dr.Xaver" fits perfect, because he is very clever.