Und wie heißen die Vögel? Sie heißen Geduld, Freundlichkeit, Herzensruhe, schöne Überraschungen, Gastfreundlichkeit, freundliche Gäste, Mut, Tapferkeit, schöne Lieder und Bilder, Hilfe von außen, Trost.
Die Seel sieht den Vogelbringer noch nicht. Er ist in Begleitung von Tieren und kindlichen Engeln.
Vogelbringer und 3 Putten
Vogelbringer und offene Tür
Gesicht Pony
die ganze Zeichnung
Oh how I love this drawing !!! The bringer of birds ! and the shape of the door !!!! and the face of the soul !! I love the lines going over her face, it could be the wind (Spirit) from the open door, or it could be a veil giving her shelter against the world because she is in a time of recovering, turned inward. This is like me now, in a very silent time, preparing myself and the artist in me to welcome the bringer of birds! Thank you so much, Dori. And good night.
AntwortenLöschenO, yes, really! It could be the wind! You know, I only was searching the right form, and so the involuntary lines happened. YES: recovering, turned inward, silent time, preparing herself to welcome the bringer of the birds! It's YOU: THANK YOU, Stille Linde!