"Es ist das kleine Warten, durchdrungen von dem großen Warten auf die himmlische Freude, die in Form von Liebe schon in das Jetzt hineinfließt, eine Freude über die Wiederbringung alles schmerzlich Verlorenen, Vermißten." (5.12.11)
Die Gebährende und die wartenden Tiere
Die Katze hat ein Schälchen Milch bekommen
Beautiful drawing, Dori, perfectly captures the anticipation of Christmas
AntwortenLöschenThank you, sheeps and peeps farm! Some friends of me want to use it for chritmas-greetings. It will be "actual" until 24.12. 4 or 5 or 6 o'chlock, then the child will be born and laid into the wooden bed :)
AntwortenLöschenFor me this is the best Advent art I've ever seen. If that sounds exaggerated, then at least the one I love the most !!! Strange how this roofless structure of wooden beams gives so much "expectance" to the scene. It is treelike and barren and it reaches towards the sky ...
AntwortenLöschenYou know, that I love you, your art and your gift of seeing art, Stille Linde! It's since long, I had a dream - it was such a great dream - of a roofless house of heaven-view.It was such a heavenly hope and space.
AntwortenLöschenO, yes, I also felt, that these barrens became treelike, while I was drawing them. Also the later cross is previewed...
And I love you :X