Montag, 8. August 2011

Schutzengel (1)

Mögen die Engel des Trostes immer deine Bitten erhören und dir Mut und Kraft schenken!

(Hannelore Knechtel)

4 Kommentare:

  1. Real angels you paint.
    Thank you, for this one !!!

  2. Real angels YOU paint, Stille Linde! Thank you!

    I've got a very lovely book with sculpture-angels of stone! I am looking forward to make some drawings of them. I plan to make a series of about ten angels in my Blog with ten sentences of consolation.

  3. Thank you for this blessing Dori. I'm so looking forward to these angels created by your talented and loving hands. The sentences of consolation mean so much to me and are an expression of love. Thank you.

  4. Ramona, how can I reply to such beautiful words from a wonderful heart? Thank you!


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