Dienstag, 18. Januar 2011

"Ställe" (hier: Maria übergibt Kind, Detail)

Größe ca. 130cm mal 110cm
Technik: Sepia, Acryl, Blattgold, Öl auf grundierte Pappe
Maldauer: ca. 5 Wochen

In diesem Gemälde "Ställe" habe ich einige nachhaltige Eindrücke der letzten Wochen in Malerei umgesetzt. In der Linkliste die Vollansicht und einige Details. Dank an all diejenigen, die den Malprozeß mit Interesse beobachtet und kommentiert haben und mir so auf dem Weg der Fertigstellung wertvolle Anregungen gegeben haben.

Schaf "Renate" an der Futterkrippe
2 kleine Pferde ("Scho Seppe" und "Pepper")
Schafbock "Paul"
Landschaft mit kleinem Unterstand
Stallgold und 2 Schafe
Die Bäuerin
nochmal die Bäuerin
Hahn "Leo" und Huhn "Else"

3 Kommentare:

  1. It is a very beautiful and real Dori painting.
    This is everlasting Holy Night.
    The animals so happy and peaceful.
    What a transformation of your "bag of tar", remember?
    I can look at this work a long long long time, and feel the deep deep happiness and gratitude and peace. Thank you Dori !

  2. What a word:"everlasting Holy Night"!! This IS my dream. I like also "real Dori painting". And I drink the words: "happiness and gratitude and peace". You see this , because these virtues are in your heart, Stille Linde. Thank you so much!

    And thank you, dear Ramona, for your mail, it supports me like a shadow of an angel! Yes, I would like a small drawing of you, dear Ramona, and often I am also longing for a small drawing of you, Stille Linde...
    Here my address:
    Dorothea Stuffer
    Kreuzbergstraße 11
    94234 Viechtach

  3. I have written your address in the address book of my agenda - with the feeling that it is not the last time I write it.
    If it happens one day that I make a drawing for you, I will send it to you. And when I make prints again on the etching press - that will happen before the summer and maybe before spring - printing manually with great care and with such deep peace that time quits moving - maybe also coloured by hand with watercolours ... then I also wish to send you something :-)


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