Sonntag, 28. August 2011

Ein Detail aus "The Three 2" - Art and reality -

In this detail of "The Three 2" I began with some black ink to draw my (ill) pony. The hooves were ill. I sent the drawing to Stille Linde. She saw and painted the "universe" inside of the pony. Stille Linde sent the drawing to Ramona. She painted the face of the pony with a heart and golden shining lights near the hooves. Now I can tell you the good message, that my pony's hooves are fine again, and Scho Seppe is jumping again. He has to continue his hay-fast .

Scho Seppe today
Scho Seppe today
Scho Seppe and Paul today

Video "The Three 2"

3 Kommentare:

  1. Oh! He is the picture of health! Paul too! This is wonderful news Dori. You and your family nursed Scho Seppe back to health. Let's hold everyone in good health for a long time now. Blue Ribbon for outstanding animal husbandry!! What a fine pony he is.

  2. I am saying thank you for your great words, sisters!


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