Mensch mit Lamm
Mensch mit Kuh
am Tisch und Tiere
das ganze Bild
in der offenen Tür
Einige weiße Stellen, besonders die beiden Frauengesichter, möchte ich noch farbig gestalten.
Das Licht tragen wir nicht, weil wir so toll sind, sondern weil wir es geschenkt bekommen haben. Lichtträger bleiben, auch wenn's manch...
Nice painting; do you have a loom, Dori?
AntwortenLöschenDear Thistle, thank you very much for your comment! There are still some parts in the picture, who have to be worked over. Please can you explain to me, what a "loom" is? Do you mean a machine for to work with wool?
LöschenI've placed the picture of the same painting (older version) on your website beside this one. I loved the flying deer, but the wall has disappeared and is now fields and mountains. There is more light and more good interaction between the figures. Biau is there, and Scho Seppe is doing wonderful as cow :D looking like he is aware of having a very important responsibility now :)
AntwortenLöschenI love the change in the woman at the table ... wonderful
I think it is an angel with the lamb, I've dreamed of a white white lamb in a red red heart
Dear Stille Linde, I really must smile about "Scho Seppe doing wonderful as a cow" :))) !!!
LöschenToday I worked a few hours at this picture - and the cloth of "the angel carrying the lamb" was very red. Later I changed it again, it was too simple in this case. "Heart" is maybe an idea... maybe the flying deer will come back, also the wall, maybe the spring will only be a window or a painting on the wall. Yes, it's Biau, I often dream of her coming back. The colors of your "celebrating heart" inspire me.