Dienstag, 1. Januar 2013

Frisch ausgekratzt ins neue Jahr!

Hallo, heute zeige ich Euch, dass ich dem Scho Seppe ganz alleine die Hufe auskratzen kann!!

Foto und Film: Xaver

4 Kommentare:

  1. Gut gemacht, liebe Dori.
    Gruß. Hajo


  2. Dori, that little pony is SOOOOO adorable!
    Happy New Year to you and yours; may it be filled with God's blessings, multiplied.

    1. Thank you VERY much, dear Thistle!

      And I shall say a lot of greetings from Xaver to you. He wants to plant a lot of thistles for a fence around his farm. He often asks me about "Thistle" and he wants to see a photo of you :)


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