Dienstag, 26. November 2013

Wenn meine Schafe ein wenig spazieren gehen....

...und ich sie dann rufe...

kommen sie brav durchs Loch im Zaun wieder heim.

6 Kommentare:

  1. so very lovely
    and serene
    life is good

    1. Thank you, Tammie, for this your wonderful true poem for this scene!

  2. mir scheint, Schafe sind wichtig für den Weltfrieden.

  3. Wow! The sheep took a walk through a hole in the fence? They must have thought how green the grass is here!! good that you can catch them.

    1. You are right, Ramona! One morning Xaver called me and said, he doesnt find the four lambs!!!! I called the police and the hunter and the vet and the sheep-sharer .... sometimes bad guys steel lambs from the pasture... !! But later they came :) the just were behind an edge :) :) Today we closed the hole.


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