Donnerstag, 28. April 2011


Dear Sheeps and Peeps Farm, here some strong prayer for you . You had hard work with ewes and lambs, with new life and tragic nature. But not one of your sheep is lost. This Easter week is such a great time.

Wenn Ihr das Wunder neugeborener Lämmer und ihrer anrührenden Mütter betrachten wollt, dann laßt Euer Auge nach West Virginia wandern und habt Anteil an dem wunderbaren, wenn auch bisweilen beschwerlichen Leben der Sheeps and Peeps Farm...

2 Kommentare:

  1. We have just started to try and catch up with our blog friends following lambing. What a joy to find this wonderful post about our farm. How thoughtful of you to include us in your Easter Week prayers, Dori.
    Thank you so much!

  2. You are welcome and always in our thoughts (and your sheep, naturally)! Thank you for sharing!


Hallo erster Schnee!

Ankunft in Fernsdorf, 16.00 Uhr. Blick nach Osten, heranzoomen: Der Xaverhof  liegt still im ersten milden Schnee-Weiß. Was wird mich erwart...