Freitag, 6. Mai 2011

Der Schafsbockflüsterer

Leute, ich muß Euch ehrlich sagen, wenn Pauli "auf dem Trip" ist, dann habe ich nicht zu Unrecht einen Heidenrespekt vor ihm. Er geht zuerst einige Schritte rückwärts um Anlauf zu nehmen, dabei fixiert er dich mit echtem Rammbock-Blick, und dann geht's lustig drauf los! Und das nicht etwa nur einmal! Doch der Xaver, dessen Vater früher Ochsen als Zugochsen abgerichtet hat, läßt sich von Pauli genauso wenig wie von Brennesseln beeindrucken. Sein Rat: Wenn Paul angriffslustig zurück geht, dann mußt du einige Schritte auf ihn zugehen, dich hinhocken und freundschaftlich mit ihm reden. Wer traut sich?

5 Kommentare:

  1. The Ram whisperer indeed! I don't understand when Xavier speaks but I love the moment that you both share. One of friendship, humor and amusement. Paul looks like he enjoys his interaction with Xavier. How wondrous!

  2. Thank you, Ramona! I really must find a way with Pauli, He becomes more and more "RAMMY", because he had no mother and no brother and sister, only nice people and a nice bottle of milk. So he is thinking a little bit wrong!

  3. I LOVE THIS ! :-) Thank you Xaver and Pauli !!!
    Dori, you can try Bach flower remedies, animals are very receptive for this beautiful and strong medicine. I know them well and if you are interested I will think about a good recipe for Pauli ... Vine, if he wants to dominate ... Impatiens, when he is easily irritated ... Vervain, if he is stubborn and cannot stop. In the first place Vine, I suppose, for a ram - I don't have much experience with rams :-)

  4. Vine, yes, he wants to protect his sheep, because he thinks we are sheep. He has a problem: No mother, no brother and sister when he was a little baby. He is our bottle-Baby, and later come these problems, also with deer-boys and so on, when they were bottle-babies...

    Good night, it was a VERY long day and night. Thank you for being here!


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