Montag, 2. Mai 2011

My story with "Biau" - little cat natured

Biau likes to catch shadows, leaves, mouses, birds, flees, moving tails of big white dogs - she does not make any difference between these things.
It was some years ago, when I came like every day to Kapplhof, Xaver hurried towards me and said: "Do you like to have a cat - MOKST A KATZ - ??" I: "No!! Never!!! I do have enough animals! What shall I do with a CAT???" Xaver showed me a silver, crying very little baby-cat wandering all around, climbing up his feet, falling down again, crying always. O dear! I tried to make my stables work, the crying silver ball followed me everywhere. So at last I put it into my car to Timmidog and drove home.
I did not know anything about cats. She really was hungry, so I gave her some drops of milk mixed with water with a pipette. Wrong!!! One hour later she had diarrhoea! My husband, a VERY good doctor said: "If you give her once more this drink, she will lose more water than she gets , and she will die in a few hours or days." So I went in the late evening to the veterinarian, who gave me a special milk powder for young baby cats. Thanks goodness! Biau was growing up to a wonderful silk "Russian-Blue"-cat. She is VERY clever , likes to sit on our necks, likes to sleep in our beds, likes to hide, that nobody can find her and likes to find shelter by Timmidog, and thankful she tries to clean his feet, when Timmi is too dirty. She is the best sister of great brother Timmi.

3 Kommentare:

  1. The crying silver ball follows Dori everywhere. Wonderful description.
    How correct Dr. Xavier is to notice the kitten needs immediate help in his diet. This story has made my morning light hearted and put a smile to my face. I love all the pictures you show. The first one of you when you found the kitten is very beautiful and I also love the ones of Timmy and his sister:)

  2. Hallo, Ramona, I am happy to put a smile in your face. Tomorrow I must tell Xaver, that you call him Dr.Xaver!! :) You gave me once the inspiration to tell the stories of my animals. the next story will follow. Thank you!

    Thank you, Manuel!!


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