Montag, 13. August 2012

Sommer in Niederbayern: miteinander essen (4)

Diese wohlverdiente Mahlzeit nehmen Xaver, David und Bernhard zu sich, nachdem sie hinten im Stall aufgeräumt haben, um Platz für sieben große Pferdeheupakete vom Haidbauern, Xavers Patenonkel, zu schaffen:

Zuerst muß altes, schimmeliges, staubiges Heu raus
Original Kapplxaver Ambiente

Ein defekter, unnütz beladener Anhänger muss auch aus dem Weg:

Und hier noch ein 3-Minuten-Video "Fensterln in Niederbayern" mit Kapplxaver

4 Kommentare:

  1. I need to see a new painting from you !!! :-)

    1. You are right, Stille Linde,there is really no Dori-art except art of Kapplhof and pilgrimway. Desidering this case yesterday walking through my pictures in the evening, I decided to blog some visit into my paining-room and to show some paintings I made this year...I am really happy about some of them and desire to produce more and many and very many...

    2. Yes! Very many! :)) please ...

      ( the password I get now is iconsit )

    3. You are so near, Stille Linde!!

      I often thought about the fact, that about one, two years ago I often painted guests (for example around a table) . And now I really have so many guests, that I cannot paint them :)

      This also happened with animals :)


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