Zuerst muß altes, schimmeliges, staubiges Heu raus
Original Kapplxaver Ambiente
Ein defekter, unnütz beladener Anhänger muss auch aus dem Weg:
Und hier noch ein 3-Minuten-Video "Fensterln in Niederbayern" mit Kapplxaver
Altarschmuck für die Passionszeit, auch Fastenzeit genannt, mit zarten Frühjahrsblumen Heute ist der Sonntag "Lätare" - das hei...
I need to see a new painting from you !!! :-)
AntwortenLöschenYou are right, Stille Linde,there is really no Dori-art except art of Kapplhof and pilgrimway. Desidering this case yesterday walking through my pictures in the evening, I decided to blog some visit into my paining-room and to show some paintings I made this year...I am really happy about some of them and desire to produce more and many and very many...
LöschenYes! Very many! :)) please ...
Löschen( the password I get now is iconsit )
You are so near, Stille Linde!!
LöschenI often thought about the fact, that about one, two years ago I often painted guests (for example around a table) . And now I really have so many guests, that I cannot paint them :)
This also happened with animals :)