Mittwoch, 7. November 2012

Xaverhof-Szenen im Herbst: dem Pauli die Klauen schneiden

Xaver kann das noch von den Kühen her, die er früher hatte.
Will man bei Schafen die optimale Klauenpflege haben, sollte man die Klauen zweimal im Jahr schneiden.

Da unser Widder "Pauli" sehr lange, zum Teil eingerissene Klauen hat und unser Schafscherer krank ist, griffen Xaver und ich zur Gartenschere und schnitten erst mal das Schlimmste weg. Damit sich keine eitrigen Taschen bilden, behandeln wir ihn - bis der Profi kommt - täglich erfolgreich mit dem guten BLAUSPRAY.

Dori hält Paul an der Wolle fest

4 Kommentare:

  1. Dori, your hat is beautiful; did you make it?
    My Carly needs her feet trimmed, will do that next week, thanks for reminding me.

    1. Oh, you like my hat? Me, too,:) I've got it from a friend of mine and I've already given it to some person, who made another one with brown sheep-wool for my son. But I also thought of knitting (or let knit) it once more, because some pieces you should have two times! :)

  2. Xavier to the rescue! Hello Dori! I'm happy to see you look so comfortable and not too cold.

    1. Thank you, Ramona! But today I thought again,I miss you urgently to help me, because I still have a lot of pain in my broken side- you know, I had a surgery in early spring - and still I have a lot of pain, but I cannot keep quiet. My husband says, keep quiet, but my duties cry and the doctor of the surgery said, I may do and carry EVERYTHING, and it will be normal to have problems for 9 months. I miss you do do hard work with/for me, yes!

      I'm happy, that Xavier carries water and horse-dung quite often.


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