Dienstag, 31. Mai 2011

Einsiedler 3: "Malen, zeichnen" (in 2 Sprachen)

Zuspruch zur Künstlerseele:

Zeichne, zeichne an gegen Zweifel, Angst, Bedrohung, zeichne an gegen Einsamkeit, brennende Sehnsucht und Gefühle der Sinnlosigkeit und Ohnmacht. Male Bilder der Heilung und Heiligung. Finde Vorbilder der Orientierung, des Trostes und der Wegweisung.
Glaube mutig an das dir geschenkte Talent, spüre die guten Mächte, die dir bei deiner Tätigkeit hilfreich beistehen und deine Hand führen.
Dichte, schreibe, entwerfe, finde Formen, und du wirst überleben. Du wirst die gefühlten Dimensionen in dieser Welt sichtbar machen. Das dient dir selbst zur Erquickung und macht den Duft, aus welchem du schöpfst, genießbar für andere.
Zeichne, male jenen unerträglichen Zustand der Liebe, die du diesem Wunder der Erlösung aus deiner Armut und Fühlen entgegenbringst. (22. Juli 2010)

Detail "Stefanos, der Einsiedler"

Encouragement to the artist-soul

Draw, draw on against doubts, fear, danger, draw on against loneliness, burning desire and feelings of meaninglessness and powerlessness. Paint healing tableaus, paint holy tableaus. FInd inspiring examples of orientation, of consolation and of guiding. Believe courageous in the talent donated to you, feel the good higher powers, who support you and lead your hand.
Make poems, write, sketch, create, find forms, and you will survive. You will visualize the felt dimensions of this world. This serves yourself as revival and makes the fragrance, from which you take, enjoyable for others.
Draw, paint that unbearable state of love, you give to this wonder of salvation emerging from your poverty and feeling.

The last sentence I even do not understand exactly in my own language, but I like it... :))

3 Kommentare:

  1. If I understand this German well - this is exactly where I am. These are your strong words, right? Love and greetings.

  2. Dori, may I ask you to translate this in English ? - now you are in the mood of translating :-) I understand enough to know it is very important for me, very familiar, but I can not understand all and online automatic computer translation makes a mess of it. There is no hurry ! Thank you !

  3. It is a great pleasure for me to translate these sentences into English. ( ORIGINAL-DORI-TRANSLATION :) )


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