Dienstag, 19. März 2013

Meditation zur Fastenzeit: "Die heiligen nehmen Platz", 2010, Detail rechts

4 Kommentare:

  1. The expressions on the faces and the softness of the colors contribute to a very warm and gentle feeling.

    My reward on this very cold and windy morning :))

    1. Thank you, Ramona. I made this painting in August 2010, on a warm summer-day. This is one of my best works. In the exhibition of Viechtach people called it "Eucharist Supper". I was alone and had the vision, the Saints came into my room and sat down. I also imagined, that I will receive real guests, and I knew, they are holy.

    2. I believe you when you say this is one of your best work. Truly remarkable Dori. I hope you receive many guests this summer ;).

    3. And only Saints ;)

      By the way: You can see the complete painting in my homepage. I want to show 3 parts slowly though this last part of the fasting period.

      Nood night, my milk-snack and a glss of wine are waiting ;)


Bayerwald-Festival Nr. 6, 2025: Jakobschaf Gobi am Brunnen

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