Dienstag, 27. November 2018

Schwager und Schwägerin(nen) und MEHR

Heute bei Schneeregen unterwegs in die Dorfcity von Viechtach: Sophie, Johannes und Lena
mit Sonja Quarkuchen backen für Sophies Geburtstag

3 Kommentare:

  1. Hello dear friend Dori!
    Happy birthday to Sophie! She’s such a beautiful girl!
    So nice that Sonja made for her a birthday cake!
    I’m sure Lena had fun visiting friends and family!
    Thank you for sharing!! Have a lovely day up on the glorious Bavarian Forest! Hugs!

    1. Thank you, dearest Dimi, for this family-blessing! LOVE to wonderful Greece from the wintery Bavarian Forest!

  2. Happy birthday to Sophie!
    Hand made birthday cake must have been wonderful!
    Lovely weekend to you and your family, Dori.


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